Anti-eco: a situation where a team with rifles must win the round against another team who has pistols.Anchor: a player who holds a bomb site on defense on the edges of the map.Aimpunch: when a player’s screen shakes from side to side because of their lack of armor.Aimbot: a cheating program that allows players to automatically shoot at enemies without manually aiming themselves.ADR (average damage per round): a value that displays how many points of damage that a player dealt in a single round.Ace: when a player kills all five enemies in a single round.AC (Anti-cheat): a program used to detect cheating.Jaryd “ summit1g” Lazar did exactly that at DreamHack Austin in 2016, losing his team the game. 1g: where a player accidentally kills themselves with an incendiary grenade or Molotov.The words, their meanings, and their origins are included in this alphabetic dictionary. Here’s a guide to almost all the slang used within the world of CS:GO. Learning the language of CS:GO is similarly difficult to grasp.
Players fear that this week’s leak may threaten the competitive environments of these games cheat-makers and malware developers rely on games’ source code to identify exploits and design software that modifies the gaming experience.Have you ever tried explaining a complex TV series, movie, or concept to someone with no prior knowledge of the subject? It’s by no means easy. Shooter Team Fortress 2 has waned in popularity since its widely lauded 2007 release, but it still sees tens of thousands of players daily. Shooter Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is among the most popular videogames around, with over 1 million people logging in every day to play, and it boasts a hugely popular esports scene. The company also posted a statement to its Twitter account. While a representative for Valve told WIRED that they have not found “any reason for players to be alarmed or avoid the current builds,” they are continuing to investigate the situation. WIRED has also learned that the Team Fortress 2 code is from a circa 2011 build and was contained within the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive code. Valve, the games' developer and publisher, confirmed in an email to WIRED on Wednesday that the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive leak is legitimate and includes code from a 2017 build of the game. Source code for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Team Fortress 2 has leaked, and fans of both games worry about the potential for cheating, malware, and other unwanted exploits.